Variable | Description |
CRO present | A CRO (chief risk officer) function exists in the firm (dummy variable) |
CRO executive | CRO being an executive or not (dummy variable) |
CRO top 5 | CRO amongst the top 5 paid executives in the firm (dummy variable) |
CRO centrality | CRO pay / CEO pay (in %) |
Risk committee experience | At least one non-executive director with banking experience |
Active risk committees | Regularly meeting more frequently than average |
1 | Stress-testing frameworks should have clearly articulated and formally adopted objectives. |
2 | Stress-testing frameworks should include an effective governance structure. |
3 | Stress testing should be used as a risk management tool and to inform business decisions. |
4 | Stress-testing frameworks should capture material and relevant risks and apply stresses that are sufficiently severe. |
5 | Resources and organizational structures should be adequate to meet the objectives of the stress-testing framework. |
6 | Stress tests should be supported by accurate and sufficiently granular data and by robust IT systems. |
7 | Models and methodologies to assess the impacts of scenarios and sensitivities should be fit for purpose. |
8 | Stress-testing models, results, and frameworks should be subject to challenge and regular review. |
9 | Stress-testing practices and findings should be communicated within and across jurisdictions. |