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Interest Rates

Instructor  Micky Midha
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Learning Objectives

  • Calculate and interpret the impact of different compounding frequencies on a bond’s value.
  • Define spot rate and compute spot rates given discount factors.
  • Interpret the forward rate, and compute forward rates given spot rates.
  • Define par rate and describe the equation for the par rate of a bond.
  • Interpret the relationship between spot, forward, and par rates.
  • Assess the impact of maturity on the price of a bond and the returns generated by bonds.
  • Define the “flattening” and “steepening” of rate curves and describe a trade to reflect expectations that a curve will flatten or steepen.
  • Describe a swap transaction and explain how a swap market defines par rates.
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Relationship Between Two Discrete Frequencies

  • Suppose rate R_1 is compounded m_1 times per annum, Let the equivalent rate compounded m_1 times per annum be R_1. The R_1 rate means that an amount A compounds to:


at the end of one year.

The R_1 rate means that an amount A compounds to:


at the end of one year.

Rate R_1 compounded m_1 times per year is therefore equivalent to rate R_1 compounded m_1 times per year when:


\Rightarrow R_2=\left[\left(1+\frac{R_1}{m_1}\right)^{\frac{m_1}{m_2}}-1\right]m_2


Suppose the rate is 5% with semi-annual compounding, and the equivalent rate with quarterly compounding needs to be calculated. In this case m_1 = 2, \; m_2 = 4, \; and \; R_1 = 0.05

The equivalent rate with quarterly compounding is therefore __________________

Spot Rates

  • The spot rate is the interest rate earned when cash is received at just one future time. It is also referred to as the zero-coupon interest rate, or just the “zero.”

Suppose USD 100 is invested today and is repaid with USD 120 in three years with no intermediate payments. The three-year spot rate is the rate that equates USD 120 in three years with USD 100 today. If the rate R is measured with annual compounding, then

100(1+R)^3=120\Rightarrow R=6.27\%

With semi-annual compounding for example, the rate is given by:


When the discount factor d(t) is applied to this, it should bring it back to 100. Hence:

100\left(1+\frac{r(t)}{2}\right)^{2t}d(t)=100\Rightarrow d(t)=\left(1+\frac{r(t)}{2}\right)^{-2t}

Par Rates

  • The value of the coupon rate for which the value of the bond will be equal to its face value is referred to as the par rate.
  • Let A(T) be the value of an instrument that pays USD 1 on every payment date (this is referred to as an annuity):

A(T) = d(0.5) + d(1.0) + d(1.5) + ⋯ + d(T)

It can be easily shown that for a semi-annual paying bond, the par rate is given by


  • Suppose the spot interest rates, expressed with semi-annual compounding, for 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 years be 4%, 5%, 5.5%, and 6% (respectively).

The two-year par rate (%) is

Thus, a two-year bond paying a coupon semi-annually at a rate of  __________________ per year is worth par.

Valuing Bond Using Par Rates

  • The par rate in conjunction with the annuity factors A(T) to provide a way of valuing bonds with other coupons. Consider a bond with maturity T, coupon c, and a face value of 100. The value of the bond (V) is


It is known that:


Substituting for d(T)


In the earlier example, the par rate is _________________. When the coupon is ___________, this formula gives the value of the bond as:

Forward Rates

  • Forward rates are the future spot rates implied by today’s spot rates. For example, suppose the offered one-year rate is 3% and the offered two-year rate is 4% (both with annual compounding). Suppose F is the forward rate for the second year. The forward rate is such that USD 100, if invested at 3% for the first year and at a rate of F for the second year, gives the same outcome as 4% for two years. This means that:
  • When rates are expressed with semi-annual compounding (as is frequently the case in fixed-income markets), an extension of this analysis shows that the forward rate per six months for a six-month period starting at time T is\frac{\left(1+\frac{R_2}{2}\right)^{T+0.5}}{\left(1+\frac{R_1}{2}\right)^T}-1
  • where R_1 \text{and} R_2 are the spot rates for maturities T and T + 0.5 (respectively) with semi-annual compounding. Thus, the annualized forward rate expressed with semi-annual compounding is twice this.
  • When rates are expressed with continuous compounding, the forward rate for the period between time R_1 \text{and} R_2 is



R_1 is the spot rate for maturity T_1\text{and}R_2 is the spot rate for maturity R_1. This formula is approximately true when other compounding frequencies are used for the rates.

  • When forward rates for successive periods are compounded, spot rates are obtained. For example, suppose all rates are expressed with semi-annual compounding, and that F_1, F_2, \ldots F_n are forward rates in n successive six-month periods. Then:


Thus, if a large financial institution can borrow or lend at spot rates, it can lock in the forward rate.

Properties Of Spot, Forward, And Par Rates

  • Key properties of the rates discussed till now are as follows:
    • If the term structure is flat (with all spot rates the same), all par rates and all forward rates equal the spot rate.
    • If the term structure is upward-sloping, the par rate for a certain maturity is below the spot rate for that maturity.
    • If the term structure is downward-sloping, the par rate for a certain maturity is above the spot rate for that maturity.
    • If the term structure is upward-sloping, forward rates for a period starting at time T are greater than the spot rate for maturity T.
    • If the term structure is downward-sloping, forward rates for a period starting at time T are less than the spot rate for maturity T.
  • The situation for an upward-sloping term structure case is illustrated in this Table.
Maturity (yrs) Spot 6-Month Fwd Par
0.5 2.01 4.04 2.01
1 3.02 4.86 3.01
1.5 3.63 5.27 3.62
2 4.04 5.83 4.01
2.5 4.40 5.94 4.36
3 4.65 6.24 4.60
3.5 4.88 6.36 4.82
4 5.06 6.54 4.99
4.5 5.23 6.67 5.14
5 5.37 5.28
  • The situation for a downward-sloping term structure case is illustrated in this Table.
Maturity (yrs) Spot 6-Month Fwd Par
0.5 5.06 4.24 5.06
1 4.65 3.73 4.66
1.5 4.35 3.73 4.36
2 4.19 3.17 4.21
2.5 3.99 3.07 4.01
3 3.84 3.12 3.86
3.5 3.73 3.08 3.76
4 3.65 3.10 3.68
4.5 3.59 3.08 3.62
5 3.54 3.57

Flattening And Steepening Term Structures

  • A flattening term structure occurs
    • When long- and short-maturity rates both move down, but long-maturity rates move down by more than short-maturity rates (known as a bull flattener); or
    • When long- and short-maturity rates both move up, but short-maturity rates move up by more than long-maturity rates (known as a bear flattener).
  • A steepening term structure occurs
    • When long- and short-maturity rates both move down but short-maturity rates move down by more than long-maturity rates; or
    • When long- and short-maturity rates both move up, but short-maturity rates move up by less than long-maturity rates.
  • Note that a flattening term structure is not necessarily one that becomes flatter and a steepening term structure is not necessarily one that becomes steeper. If a term structure is already upward-sloping, then a steepening will cause it to be more upward-sloping and a flattening will cause it to be less upward-sloping. But if it is downward-sloping, the reverse is true. The steepening/flattening language refers to the relative rate movements and does not depend on the initial slope of the yield curve.
  • Suppose a trader thinks the current upward-sloping term structure will steepen so that 20-year rates increase faster than ten-year rates. The trader can short 20-year bonds and buy ten-year bonds. If the trader is right, the 20-year bonds will decline in value relative to the ten-year bonds and the trader will make money. Similarly, a trader who thinks that the term structure will flatten should buy 20-year bonds and short ten-year bonds.

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